Trademark registration is a legal process that provides exclusive rights to use a unique name, symbol, or design to identify and distinguish your products or services from others in the marketplace. We help our clients register their trademarks in Ukraine and other countries, ensuring that their brand is protected from potential infringement and misuse.
Our team will guide you through the entire registration process, from conducting a thorough trademark search to drafting and filing the application with the relevant authorities. We will work closely with you to ensure that your trademark is registered in the most appropriate classes and jurisdictions for your business needs.
The trademark registration procedure in Ukraine typically involves the following steps:
A trademark search is conducted to determine whether a similar or identical trademark has already been registered or applied for in Ukraine. This step helps to identify potential conflicts that may arise during the registration process.
Once the search has been completed, the trademark application can be filed with the Ukrainian Patent and Trademark Office (UKRNOIVI).
UKRNOIVI will conduct a formal examination of the application to ensure that all requirements have been met, such as payment of the filing fee and submission of the necessary documentation.
UKRNOIVI will conduct a substantive examination of the application to determine whether the trademark is distinctive and does not conflict with existing trademarks or prior rights.
If no oppositions are filed or if the opposition proceedings are successfully resolved, the trademark will be registered and a certificate of registration will be issued.
Some of the main advantages of trademark registration in Ukraine include:
Trademark registration gives the owner the exclusive right to use the trademark in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered. This means that the owner can prevent others from using the same or similar trademark in Ukraine.
Trademark registration provides legal protection against infringement and counterfeiting, as well as a means to enforce those rights.
A registered trademark can increase brand recognition and consumer confidence in the quality of the goods or services being offered.
A registered trademark can provide a competitive advantage in the market, as it distinguishes the owner’s products or services from those of competitors.
By registering your trademark with us, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your brand is protected against any unauthorized use or infringement. With our expertise in trademark law, we can help you navigate the complex legal landscape of trademark registration in Ukraine and abroad, so that you can focus on growing your business and building your brand.