24 June, 2024

How to register intellectual property?

intellectual property
8 minutes

In an ever-changing world where innovation and creativity define success, intellectual property is becoming a valuable asset, not just the result of inspiration. From revolutionary technologies to unique design solutions, from literary masterpieces to famous brands, they all require reliable protection. After all, your ideas are your competitive advantage, your intellectual property, which requires special attention and legal protection.

Section 1: What is intellectual property?

We often hear the term “intellectual property”, but what exactly does it mean and why should we pay attention to it? Does every idea automatically become an intellectual property right? In this section we will consider the essence of this concept, its role in the modern world and the main types of intellectual property objects that are subject to registration in Ukraine.

1.1 Definition and essence:

Intellectual property is a set of rights to the results of human creativity and to certain objects related to commercial activities. Simply put, it is the right to your ideas, inventions, creative developments and even brand elements..

  • Creative outputs: this includes works of literature, art, science, software, design, etc..
  • Commercially related objects: these may be trade marks, geographical indications, trade secrets, etc.

It is important to realise that intellectual property is not the idea itself, but the right to use it. That is, if you have a brilliant idea, it does not mean that no one but you can use it. To do this, you need to formalise your rights in accordance with the law.

In today’s world, where information spreads lightning fast, intellectual property protection is becoming increasingly important. Registering your intellectual property rights allows you to control its use, profit from its commercialisation and protect your interests in case of disputes.

1.2 Main Types:

Ukrainian legislation protects various types of intellectual property. The main ones include:

  • Copyright: protects literary and artistic works, including computer programmes, databases, photographs, videos and more. Copyright intellectual property arises automatically from the moment the work is created, but registration provides additional safeguards and facilitates the protection of rights.
  • Patents: protect technical solutions such as inventions, utility models, and industrial designs. An intellectual property patent grants the owner the exclusive right to use, make, sell, and import the patented subject matter for a specified period of time.
  • Trademarks: these are any marks that distinguish the goods and services of one manufacturer from others. They can be words, logos, images, sounds and even smells. Registration of a trade mark as intellectual property gives the owner the exclusive right to use it and prohibits others from using similar designations for their goods or services.
  • Geographical Indications: are used to identify goods originating from a particular geographical region and having special characteristics that are associated with that region.
  • Commercial secrets: are information that has commercial value and is kept secret from competitors. It can be production techniques, customer lists, marketing strategies, etc.

Each of these types of intellectual property has its own peculiarities of registration and protection, so it is important to turn to specialists who will help you understand all the nuances and protect your rights most effectively.

What is included in intellectual property is a question that requires detailed study. However, understanding the main types and what they mean is the first step to protecting your ideas and investments.

Section 2: Advantages of intellectual property registration

Intellectual property registration is not just a formality, but a strategically important step to ensure the success of your business or protect your creative achievements. But what exactly are the benefits of intellectual property rights protection and why is it so important in today’s competitive environment?

2.1 Legal defence:

The main advantage of intellectual property registration is, of course, legal protection. By obtaining a certificate or patent, you become the sole legal owner of your ideas and developments. This means that you get a number of exclusive rights and opportunities:

  • Exclusive right to use: only you have the right to use your intellectual property object at your own discretion – to manufacture, sell, import, licence, etc.
  • Prohibition of Unauthorised Use: you may prohibit others from using your intellectual property without your permission. This applies to copying, reproduction, distribution, importation and other acts that infringe your rights.
  • Right to judicial protection: If your rights are violated, you can take legal action to stop the violation, seek compensation for damages and other legal remedies.

Having registered intellectual property is a strong argument in case of any disputes. It provides you with a solid legal basis to protect your interests and compensate for possible losses. Moreover, the very fact of having registered rights can be a deterrent to potential infringers.

How to protect your intellectual property rights is a question that every creator or entrepreneur should be concerned about. Registering your rights provides the necessary protection and guarantees you peace of mind and confidence in the future.

2.2 Financial Benefits:

In addition to reliable legal protection, intellectual property registration opens up a number of attractive financial prospects for you. Your ideas and developments can become not only a source of pride, but also a tangible source of income:

  • Receiving royalties: By registering an intellectual property right, you are able to grant licences to others to use your subject matter (invention, work, trademark, etc.). This means that you can receive regular licence payments from those who wish to legally use your designs in their business.
  • Investment attraction: Investors are always looking for promising and protected projects to invest in. The presence of registered intellectual property becomes a strong argument for investors, because it demonstrates the seriousness of your intentions and reduces the risks associated with possible legal problems.
  • Boosting brand value: A registered trade mark is not just a logo or a name. It is the face of your brand, which over time gains its own reputation and value. A protected trade mark helps you stand out from your competitors, build consumer trust and increase the overall value of your business.

Thus, intellectual property registration is not only about protection, but also about creating new opportunities for development and increasing profitability. It allows you to maximise the commercial potential of your ideas and achieve success even in the most competitive markets.

Section 3: How to register intellectual property in Ukraine?

Have you already realised the importance of protecting your ideas and want to register your intellectual property in Ukraine? This section will be your guide in the world of patent law and will help you understand all the steps of this process. From preparing the necessary documents to register intellectual property in Ukraine to obtaining a certificate, we will cover each step to make the process as clear and simple as possible.

3.1 Step-by-step instructions:

The procedure for registration of intellectual property in Ukraine, although clearly regulated, may differ depending on the object to be registered. However, there is a general algorithm of actions that will help you understand the main stages:

  1. Determination of the object and type of registration:
  • Clearly define what exactly you want to register: invention, trade mark, work, design, etc.
  • Select the appropriate type of registration: patent, certificate, etc.
  1. Preliminary search:
  • Before applying, it is important to conduct a preliminary search to ensure that your idea is new and does not duplicate already registered properties.
  • This will help to avoid unnecessary costs and registration refusals.
  1. Preparation of the application and necessary documents:
  • Collection of documents for registration of intellectual property in Ukraine is the most responsible stage.
  • The list of documents may vary, but usually includes the application, description of the object, image (for trade marks), receipt for payment of the state duty and so on.
  • It is important to comply with all paperwork requirements to avoid delays in the registration process.
  1. Submission of an application to the Intellectual Property Institution (UKRNIIVIS):
  • You can apply in person, by post or electronically.
  • Once an application is filed, it is assigned a number and date, which records your priority to the intellectual property.
  1. Formal Examination:
  • UKRNOIVI checks the application against the formal requirements.
  • If deficiencies are identified, you will be given time to correct them.
  1. Qualification examination (for certain types of objects):
  • A bona fide examination is conducted, which involves testing the subject matter against patentability criteria or other legal requirements.
  1. Decision on registration or refusal:
  • According to the results of expert examinations UKRNIIVIVI makes a decision on registration of intellectual property or refusal in it.
  • In case of a favourable decision, you will be given a certificate that confirms your rights.
  1. Supporting the validity of the testimonial:
  • Once registered, annual fees must be paid to maintain the certificate.

3.2 Professional Assistance:

Although the process of registration of intellectual property in Ukraine is clearly defined, it can be quite difficult to deal with all the subtleties and nuances on one’s own. Failure to comply with certain formalities, incorrect execution of documents or insufficient knowledge of patent law may lead to delays in the consideration of the application, or even to refusal of registration.

That is why contacting patent attorneys at Polikarpov Law Firm is a smart decision that will help you avoid hassle and ensure a successful outcome.

What advantages will you get by contacting Polikarpov Law Firm?

  • A comprehensive approach: from consulting and analysing your situation to obtaining a certificate – we accompany clients at all stages of intellectual property registration.
  • Professional search: our experts conduct an in-depth search for similar objects, which helps to minimise the risks of registration refusal.
  • Correct execution of documents: we guarantee the correctness and completeness of filling out all the necessary documents, which significantly accelerates the registration process.
  • Representation before the UKPTOIP: we liaise with the patent office on your behalf, protect your interests and monitor compliance with deadlines.
  • Individual approach: we take into account the specifics of your business and offer the most effective solutions to protect your intellectual property.

Polikarpov Law Firm’s experienced patent attorneys will help you protect your innovations, creative achievements and business ideas. With us, the process of intellectual property registration will become clear, transparent and efficient.


In today’s world, where ideas and innovations are the driving force of progress, intellectual property protection becomes the key to success. Registering the rights to your developments and creative work is not just a formality, but a strategically important step that guarantees you legal protection, opens up new financial opportunities and strengthens your position in the market. Do not put off for tomorrow what can bring you success today – take care of your intellectual property protection now!

What international treaties has Ukraine signed on the protection of intellectual property and how does this affect Ukrainian right holders

In an effort to integrate into the global community and ensure the protection of intellectual property both at the national and international levels, Ukraine has acceded to a number of key international treaties. Among the most important are:

Multilateral agreements:

  • The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): This agreement, part of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) package of agreements, sets minimum standards for the protection of intellectual property for all WTO member countries. Ukraine’s accession to the WTO in 2008 obliged it to implement the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement into its legislation.

  • The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO): As a member of WIPO, Ukraine gains access to international intellectual property registration systems, such as the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works: This convention guarantees automatic copyright protection for the works of nationals of member states in the territory of other member states..

  • Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property: This agreement simplifies the procedure for obtaining legal protection for inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks in other member states.

Bilateral agreements:

In addition to multilateral treaties, Ukraine has entered into bilateral agreements on mutual protection of intellectual property with many countries. Such agreements usually provide for a more favourable regime for the protection of intellectual property of nationals of one country in the territory of another country than the regime established for other foreigners.

Impact on Ukrainian rights holders:

Accession to these international treaties has a significant positive impact on Ukrainian rights holders.

  • Expanding the geography of protection: Ukrainian rights holders are now able to enforce their intellectual property rights not only in Ukraine but also in many other countries around the world.

  • Simplification of procedures: International treaties often provide for simplified procedures for registering and enforcing intellectual property in other member states.

  • Unification of standards: The implementation of international standards contributes to the harmonisation of Ukrainian intellectual property legislation with international norms, making Ukraine more attractive to foreign investors and partners.

However, it should be remembered that international treaties do not replace national legislation. It is important for Ukrainian rights holders to be aware of the specifics of both Ukrainian and international intellectual property legislation in order to effectively protect their rights.

Can artificial intelligence be recognised as the author of an intellectual property object, and if so, who owns the rights to this object

The issue of authorship when it comes to works created by artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most controversial in modern intellectual property law.

Current situation:

At the moment, most national laws, including Ukrainian, define the author as a natural personexclusively. Works created with the help of AI are usually considered to be the result of using the tool, andthe copyright in them belongs to the developer of the AI, the user who used it, or the person specified in the relevant agreement.

Arguments in favour of recognising AI as an author:

  • Growing autonomy of AI: Modern AI systems are able to learn and create new works on their own to a certain extent without direct human intervention.

  • Uniqueness of results: Works created by AI can be original and unpredictable, even for their developers.

Arguments against:

  • Lack of legal personality of AI: AI is not a subject of law, has no self-interest, and cannot be held accountable for its actions.

  • Ethical and philosophical issues: The author’s recognition of AI raises difficult ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of creativity, consciousness, and the place of humans in a world where machines are capable of creative activity.

The future of AI authorship:

The question of AI authorship remains open. Possible development scenarios:

  • Preserving the status quo: Copyright for AI creations will be owned by people or companies.

  • Creation of a special legal regime: Introduction of new legal categories that take into account the peculiarities of AI creativity.

  • Recognition of AI as an author: This will require major changes in legislation and awareness of AI’s place in society.


So far, there is no clear answer to the question of AI authorship. The debate is ongoing, and further development of AI technologies will inevitably prompt a rethinking of existing intellectual property law.

What is the liability for infringement of intellectual property rights on the Internet, and how can one protect their rights in the online environment

The proliferation of content on the Internet has made infringement of intellectual property rights easier than ever. However, this does not mean that rights holders are powerless. Ukrainian law, as well as international agreements, provides for liability for infringement of copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in the online environment.

Types of liability:

  • Civil: recovery of damages, seizure of counterfeit products, publication of a court decision on violation of rights.

  • Administrative: fines, confiscation of equipment used for infringement of rights.

  • Criminal: provided for particularly serious violations, for example, in the case of illegal use of a trademark for the purpose of obtaining large profits.

How to protect your rights on the Internet:

  1. Registration of rights: It is important to register your intellectual property rights so that you have a solid basis for protection.

  2. Monitoring: Regularly check the Internet for violations of your rights. There are specialised services that help automate this process.

  3. Warnings: If a violation is detected, send a written warning to the violator to stop the illegal activity..

  4. Contact the hosting provider or site administration: If the violation occurs on a particular website, contact its administration or hosting provider with a request to remove the illegal content.

  5. Judicial protection: In the absence of a response from the infringer, the only effective way to protect your rights may be to go to court.


  • Preserving evidence of infringement is extremely important. Take screenshots, notarise web pages, and keep correspondence with the infringer.

  • Contacting a qualified lawyer specialising in intellectual property law will significantly increase your chances of successfully protecting your rights.

Protecting intellectual property on the Internet requires active action on the part of rights holders. Knowing your rights and the tools to protect them will allow you to effectively combat infringements and preserve your intellectual property in the online environment.

How does Brexit affect the protection of intellectual property of Ukrainian companies operating in the UK market

The UK’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) has had a certain impact on various areas, including the field of intellectual property. For Ukrainian companies operating in the UK market, there have been some changes that require attention.

What has changed?

  • Automatic protection of rights has been cancelled: Previously, intellectual property rights registered at the EU level were automatically extended to the territory of the United Kingdom. After Brexit, this protection no longer applies.

  • Need for separate registration: Ukrainian companies wishing to protect their rights to trademarks, patents, industrial designs, etc. in the UK need to undergo a separate registration procedure with the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO).

  • Recognition of pre-Brexit rights: Intellectual property rights registered in the EU before 31 December 2020 were automatically “cloned” in the UK with equivalent protection.

  • International agreements: The UK remains a party to key international agreements on the protection of intellectual property, such as the WIPO Convention, the Paris Convention, etc.

Recommendations for Ukrainian companies:

  • Check the status of your rights: Carefully analyse your intellectual property rights that are being used in the UK and ensure that they are adequately protected post-Brexit.

  • Registering rights in the UK: If you are planning to expand into the UK or your rights are not already protected, consider registering them with the UK IPO.

  • Consultation with a lawyer: Contact a lawyer specialising in intellectual property law to get expert advice on the specifics of protecting your rights after Brexit.


Brexit has made certain adjustments to the UK’s intellectual property protection system. It is important for Ukrainian companies to be aware of these changes and take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights are properly protected in this important market.

How Ukrainian legislation in the field of intellectual property is changing in the light of European integration processe

Ukraine’s European integration course directly affects the development of legislation in various areas, including intellectual property. The harmonisation of Ukrainian legislation with the norms of the European Union is one of the priority areas of state policy.

Key trends in change:

  1. Unification of terminology and concepts: Ukrainian legislation is actively adapting to the use of uniform terminology and definitions established in EU legal acts regarding intellectual property objects, types of rights, registration and enforcement procedures.

  2. Improvement of registration and enforcement procedures: Ukraine aims to simplify and accelerate the procedures for registering intellectual property rights, make them more understandable and transparent for applicants, in line with EU standards.

  3. Improve the effectiveness of rights protection: New mechanisms are being introduced to combat infringements of intellectual property rights, in particular on the Internet, and liability for such infringements is being strengthened, in line with current challenges and EU practices.

  4. Implementation of new EU directives and regulations: Ukraine is gradually implementing into its legislation key EU directives and regulations in the field of intellectual property, in particular, the protection of databases, rights to computer programs, trademarks, etc..

  5. Participation in international projects and programmes: Ukraine actively cooperates with the EU and other international partners in the framework of projects and programmes aimed at the development of the intellectual property sphere, exchange of experience and professional development of specialists.

Expected results of the changes:

  • Creating a more favourable investment climate in Ukraine.

  • Increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian companies in the European and global markets.

  • Creating an effective intellectual property protection system that meets the best European standards.


European integration processes have a significant impact on the development of Ukraine’s intellectual property legislation. The implementation of European standards and practices will help to create an effective system of intellectual property protection in Ukraine, which will have a positive impact on the development of the economy and innovation in the country.

  1. The Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”. Link.
  2. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Link.

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