25 July, 2024

What do you need to know about TM registration in Ukraine?

8 minutes

In today’s world, where competition is growing every day, it is important to use every opportunity to make your business stand out. One of the most important assets that helps you to consolidate your market position and gain consumer trust is trademark. But what is a trademark and why should you register it? It’s not just a pretty logo or an attractive name. It’s a tool that protects your business, shapes its uniqueness, and helps you build long-term relationships with your customers.

Section 1: What is a trademark and why should you register it?

Imagine this: you have created a unique product that instantly gains popularity. Your brand becomes recognizable, and sales are growing rapidly. But suddenly, competitors appear who shamelessly copy your mark or logo, appropriate your achievements and mislead consumers. To avoid falling into such a trap, it is important to arm yourself with knowledge of what a trademark is and why registering it is a necessity, not just a desire.

1.1 Definition and types of trademarks

A trademark is a kind of identifier for your business in the marketplace. It can be a word, phrase, image, symbol, color combination, or even a sound that helps consumers distinguish your products or services from similar ones.

A trademark has a number of important functions:

  • Identification: allows consumers to easily find your products or services among others.
  • Quality assurance: associated with a certain level of quality expected from your brand.
  • Advertising and promotion: draws attention to your business and builds its image.

There are several types of trademarks, including:

  • Verbal: consist of only words or letters, for example, “Coca-Cola”, “Apple”.
  • Graphic: contain images, symbols, logos, e.g., “apple” Apple, “turtle” Tortuga.
  • Combined: combine both verbal and graphic elements, for example, the Pepsi logo with a caption.

Each of these types has its own peculiarities and nuances when registering.

1.2. Advantages of trademark registration

Many entrepreneurs, especially at the beginning of their journey, underestimate the importance of trademark registration. However, this step provides a number of significant benefits that help strengthen the business’s position in the market and protect it from unfair competition.

Here are just a few of them:

  • Exclusive rights to use. Registration of a trademark gives you the exclusive right to use it in Ukraine to identify your goods or services. This means that no one else can legally use an identical or confusingly similar trademark without your permission.
  • Protection against unfair competition. A registered trademark is your shield against companies that may take advantage of your reputation by copying your brand, logo or name. You will be able to defend your business in court and claim damages.
  • Increase brand value. A registered trademark is an asset that only grows in value over time. It builds consumer confidence, increases brand awareness, and can be sold or leased under a license agreement.
  • Simplified promotion: A registered trademark helps to strengthen your image in the market, distinguish your products from competitors, and facilitate their promotion.

These benefits should not be neglected. Trademark registration is a strategically important step for any business that strives for stability, development and protection of its interests.

Section 2: The process of trademark registration in Ukraine

So, you have realized the importance of trademark registration and are ready to protect your business. But how to register a trademark in Ukraine? What documents are needed and what are the stages of this process? Don’t worry, the procedure for registering a trademark in Ukraine is quite clear and understandable, and we will help you to understand all the nuances.

2.1 Registration steps

The trademark registration process in Ukraine, despite the seeming complexity of the procedure, is quite clear and straightforward. It consists of several main stages:

  1. Filing an application. The first step is to file an application with the Ukrainian National Intellectual Property Office (UIPO). The application can be submitted in person or by mail. Although online trademark registration is not available directly, you can use the services of lawyers who will collect all the necessary documents and make an electronic filing on your behalf. It is important to note that the application must contain all the necessary information and documents, which we will describe below.
  2. Formal examination. At this stage, the examiners of the Ukrainian National Research Institute of Intellectual Property check your application for compliance with the formal requirements: availability of all necessary documents, correctness of their filling, payment of state fees, etc. If the examination is successful, your application is assigned a filing date and number.
  3. Qualification examination. This is the most important stage of registration, during which the UAPTO experts search for similar or identical trademarks registered or filed for registration in Ukraine. If the examination reveals obstacles to the registration of your TM (for example, the presence of similar trademarks), you will receive a notification with the opportunity to submit your objections and arguments.
  4. If the qualification examination was successful and no obstacles to registration were identified, your trademark will be registered and you will receive a certificate confirming your exclusive rights to use the TM.

Important: The trademark registration period in Ukraine ranges from 18 to 22 months, depending on the complexity of the examination and other factors.

Knowing these stages will help you better navigate the registration process and be prepared for each of them.

2.2 Documents required

To successfully register a trademark in Ukraine, it is important to prepare a proper set of documents. The absence of even one of them may result in a delay or even refusal of registration.

Here is a list of the main documents you will need to register a trademark:

Application for trademark registration. This document contains information about the applicant, the type of trademark, the list of goods and/or services for which it will be used, as well as the image of the trademark itself.

Trademark image: You must provide a clear image of your trademark in the appropriate format and size.

Description of the mark: In some cases, for example, if your trademark contains non-standard elements or colors, you must provide a detailed description of it.

Documents confirming the payment of fees. Trademark registration is a paid procedure, so you must attach documents confirming the payment of all necessary state fees to the application.

A power of attorney: If you hire a patent attorney or a law firm to support the trademark registration process, you must provide a power of attorney to represent your interests at the Ukrainian Trademark and Patent Office.

Remember that this list is indicative. Depending on the specific situation and type of trademark, additional documents may be required. In order to obtain comprehensive information and avoid mistakes, we recommend that you seek advice from intellectual property specialists.

Section 3: Cost, terms and peculiarities of TM registration

It is clear that the issues of the financial side of things and timeframes are important for every entrepreneur who has decided to register his or her own TM. How much does it cost to register a trademark in Ukraine? What factors affect the trademark registration period in Ukraine? In this section, we will look at the cost of registering a trademark in Ukraine, as well as some peculiarities of this process that are important to consider.

3.1 Cost and timing: plan your budget and time

Registering a trademark is an investment in the future of your business, but it does involve certain costs. The cost of registering a trademark in Ukraine consists of two main components: state fees and the cost of intellectual property lawyers’ services.

The cost of legal services should be taken into account separately, which starts at UAH 5,500.

State fees are paid directly to the USPTO at various stages of registration. Their amount depends on several factors:

  • Number of classes of the Nice Classification. The International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS) contains 45 classes, and a separate fee is paid for each class in which you plan to use your trademark. The more classes you choose, the higher the costs will be.
  • Color or black and white image of the TM. Registration of a trademark in color is more expensive than in black and white.
  • Number of applicants.

In terms of time, the trademark registration period in Ukraine ranges from 18 to 22 months, provided that there are no objections from the Ukrainian Trademark Office or third parties. Currently, due to the martial law in Ukraine, the service of urgent trademark registration is not available.

3.2 Registration peculiarities: consider all the nuances

The trademark registration process has a number of peculiarities that are important to consider in order to avoid misunderstandings and speed up the process:

Territorial principle. A trademark certificate obtained in Ukraine is valid only on the territory of our country. If you plan to use your brand abroad, you will need to register the TM in each country separately or use the international registration procedure.

Possibility of self-registration of a trademark in Ukraine. You can apply for and support the registration process yourself. However, this requires some knowledge of the law and procedure.

Registration of a trademark for different forms of ownership. Regardless of whether you are a sole proprietor, LLC or other legal entity, you have the right to register a trademark.

Applicant’s location. You can apply for trademark registration regardless of where your business is registered in Ukraine. You can register a trademark no matter what city you are in: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro, etc. – the procedure is identical.

The advantages of contacting specialists. Lawyers specializing in intellectual property will help you:

  • Check the trademark for analogues. A preliminary search will allow you to avoid filing an application for a trademark that is already registered or confusingly similar to an existing one.
  • Correctly classify goods and services. The compliance of the selected classes of the Nice Classification with the actual activities of your business is the key to successful registration.
  • Prepare all the documents. Lawyers will collect the necessary documents for trademark registration and fill out an application in compliance with all legal requirements.
  • Interact with the Ukrainian Patent and Trademark Office. Our specialists will take care of communication with the patent office and resolve all issues that arise during the examination.
  • In case of refusal to register, our lawyers will help you to appeal this decision to the Chamber of Appeals.

Remember that registering a trademark is a crucial step that affects the success of your business. Trademark registration services, trademark registration lawyer, patent bureau Kyiv, turnkey trademark registration, assistance in trademark registration, register a trademark inexpensively, free consultation on trademark registration – these are just some of the key phrases that will help you find answers to all your questions on our website and use the services of professionals.


Registering a trademark in Ukraine is not just a formality, but an important strategic step for any business that strives for long-term success. Protect your brand, ensure its legal protection and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Contact the team of professionals at Polikarpov Law Firm, and we will help you go through this process easily, quickly and efficiently.

Can I register a trademark on my own, without the involvement of lawyers, and what are the risks of such a decision?

Yes, Ukrainian law allows you to register a trademark on your own, without the involvement of patent attorneys or lawyers. You can collect the necessary documents yourself, fill out an application and submit it to Ukrpatent.

However, despite the seemingly simple procedure, self-registration of a trademark conceals a number of risks that can cost you not only time and effort, but also money, and in the long run, the very opportunity to register the desired trademark.

Here are some of them:

  • Insufficient knowledge of the law: The Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Rights to Trademarks and Service Marks” and other regulations governing this area contain many nuances and requirements. Failure to comply with them, even in the smallest detail, may result in the refusal to register your TM.
  • Incorrect wording of the list of goods and services: The compliance of the selected classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS) with the actual activities of your business is an extremely important aspect. Incorrect definition of classes can lead to your TM being registered for goods/services that you do not plan to provide, which jeopardizes further protection of your brand.
  • Failure to conduct a preliminary search for similar trademarks: Before filing an application, it is extremely important to conduct a search for identity and similarity with already registered TMs. The absence of such a search increases the risk that Ukrpatent will reject your application due to similarity with an existing trademark.
  • Incorrect execution of documents: Even minor mistakes or inaccuracies in the execution of documents may result in a refusal to register.
  • Duration and complexity of the process: The trademark registration procedure can take from 18 to 22 months, and in some cases even longer. You will have to keep track of all the stages on your own, respond to examination requests, which can be quite time-consuming.

Turning to intellectual property professionals is an investment that will pay off by protecting your brand, saving you time and nerves. Specialists will carry out all the necessary procedures competently and promptly, minimizing the risks of refusal to register.

What should I do if my trademark application is rejected? Is there a chance to appeal this decision?

A refusal by Ukrpatent to register a trademark is an unpleasant, but not hopeless situation. Ukrainian law gives the applicant the right to appeal such a decision.

What should you do first?

  1. Thoroughly study the reasons for refusal: Ukrpatent is obliged to provide you with a written decision with a detailed justification of the reasons for refusal. Carefully analyze all the points to understand which aspects caused the remarks.

What are the next steps?

You have two main options:

  • Eliminate the deficiencies and resubmit the application: If the reasons for the refusal are formal (for example, inaccuracies in the documents, incorrect execution of the application), you can correct them and resubmit the application.
  • Appealing the decision: If you do not agree with the conclusions of the examination (for example, you believe that your TM is not confusingly similar to others), you have the right to appeal the decision of Ukrpatent.

How is the appeal process carried out?

An appeal is carried out by filing an opposition with the Appeals Chamber of Ukrpatent. It is important to comply with the established deadlines and appeal procedure. In your objection, you should clearly state your arguments and support them with evidence.

Is there a guarantee of success?

There is no definite answer to this question. The success of the appeal depends on many factors: the persuasiveness of your arguments, the complexity of the situation, and the availability of precedents.

It is important to remember:

The appeal process can be quite lengthy and resource-intensive. Therefore, we recommend that you contact experienced lawyers who specialize in intellectual property matters. They will analyze the situation, assess the prospects for appeal and help protect your rights.

What are the ways to protect my trademark from unfair competition after its registration?

Registering a trademark in Ukraine gives you the exclusive right to use it and protects you from unfair competition. However, this does not mean that you can sit back and watch your competitors try to copy your success. To effectively counteract infringement of your trademark rights, it is important to act decisively and competently.

What protection tools are available to you?

  1. Preventive measures:
    • Market monitoring: Regularly monitor the actions of competitors, analyze new brands appearing on the market, pay attention to advertising and product labeling. Detecting violations at an early stage will help avoid more serious problems in the future.
    • Warning Letters: If you discover facts of illegal use of your TM, send a written warning to the infringer with a request to stop the illegal actions. This is often sufficient, especially if the infringement was committed out of ignorance rather than intent.
  2. Pre-trial settlement:
    • Negotiations: If preventive measures fail, try to resolve the dispute through negotiations with the infringer. You may be able to reach a compromise, for example, by entering into a license agreement for the use of your TM.
  3. Judicial protection:
    • A lawsuit in a commercial court:If you are unable to reach an agreement, you have the right to go to court to protect your rights. You can demand from the infringer:
      • Termination of the infringement of intellectual property rights;
      • Compensation for damages;
      • Withdrawal of counterfeit goods from circulation;
      • Refuting false information;
      • Publication of the court decision in the media.

Important tips:

  • Keep evidence of infringement: Take screenshots of website pages, photos of goods, keep receipts, correspondence with the infringer, etc. This will help you prove the violation in the event of a lawsuit.
  • Contact professionals: Do not try to solve the problem on your own. Qualified lawyers specializing in the protection of intellectual property rights will develop an effective strategy for protecting your rights, prepare the necessary documents and represent your interests in court.

Remember that effective trademark protection is a set of measures that must be taken both at the stage of registration and throughout the entire term of its validity. Be vigilant and do not allow competitors to use your intellectual property with impunity!

Do I have to register a trademark for every single product or service I offer?

This question often arises among entrepreneurs, especially those who work in several business areas or offer a wide range of goods and services.

The good news is that you do not need to register a separate trademark for each product or service.

How does it work?

The trademark registration system in Ukraine, as in many countries around the world, is based on the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS). This classification divides all possible goods and services into 45 classes.

What does this mean in practice?

When applying for trademark registration, you need to indicate which classes of the Nice Classification your goods or services belong to.

For example:

  • You produce clothing (class 25) and also provide clothing design services (class 40). In this case, it is enough to register one trademark and indicate two classes of the Nice Classification in the application: 25 and 40.


  • Careful selection of classes: It is very important to carefully select the classes of the Nice Classification that best suit your business. If you specify too narrow a list of classes, your TM will be protected only for a limited range of goods/services. If you choose too wide a range of classes, it may complicate the registration process and increase the cost.
  • Consultation with a specialist: If you are hesitant about choosing the Nice Classification classes or want to tell us more about your business, we recommend that you seek advice from a patent attorney or a lawyer specializing in intellectual property. They will help you correctly determine the classes of the Nice Classification, which will ensure maximum protection of your trademark.

Remember that correctly selected classes of the Nice Classification are the key to effective protection of your brand in the market.

What is the responsibility for using someone else's trademark without the owner's permission?

The use of another’s trademark without the permission of its owner is an infringement of intellectual property rights, which entails liability under Ukrainian law.

What types of liability are provided?

  1. Civil liability:
  • Compensation for damages: The trademark owner has the right to demand compensation for the damages caused in full from the infringer. This may include both actual damages (lost profits, costs of remediation) and lost profits.
  • Payment of compensation: An alternative to damages is the payment of monetary compensation, the amount of which is determined depending on the nature of the violation, but cannot be less than 10 minimum wages (as of 2023 – UAH 67,000).
  1. Administrative liability:
  • Penalty: For the illegal use of another’s trademark, a fine of UAH 100 to UAH 11,900 is imposed on officials of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs with confiscation of goods containing the object of intellectual property rights.
  1. Criminal liability:
  • In some cases, if the infringement is of a significant size and has caused great damage to the trademark owner, criminal liability may be imposed with all the consequences provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


  • Ignorance of the law does not absolve you from liability. Even if you have unintentionally used someone else’s TM, this does not relieve you of the obligation to compensate the right holder for damages.
  • Not only identical copying of a trademark is considered an infringement, but also the use of confusingly similar signs.
  • Not only direct producers of counterfeit products, but also sellers, importers and other persons involved in their circulation may be held liable.


  • Before you start using any trademark, make sure you have a legal basis for doing so.
  • Conduct a thorough market analysis and check for similar trademarks before registering your own.
  • If you have any doubts or disputes, seek advice from qualified intellectual property lawyers.
  1. The Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Rights to Trademarks and Service Marks”. References
  2. Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. References.

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