16 August, 2024

Software licensing

8 minutes


Today, software has become an integral part of our lives. From mobile applications to complex enterprise systems, software drives many aspects of the modern world. But few people give much thought to what is behind its creation and distribution. One of the most important elements of this sphere is software license, which defines the rules of software use and distribution. There are many types of such licenses, each of which has its own peculiarities and purpose. Understanding the basic types of licenses, such as commercial and free licenses, determines not only the legitimacy of the software, but also its development and distribution capabilities.

Section 1: Types of Software Licenses

Having familiarized ourselves with the general concept of software licenses, let’s move on to a more detailed look at their varieties. The world of software licenses can be conditionally divided into two large categories: commercial software licenses and free licenses, including Open Source. Each of them has its own features, advantages and disadvantages for both developers and users. Understanding these differences is key to choosing and using the right software. Let’s delve into the world of commercial and free licenses and understand how they differ and what features they provide.

1.1 Commercial licenses

Commercial software licenses are contracts that grant users the right to use software for a fee. They are the basis of the business model of many software companies, allowing them to profit from their intellectual property and continue to develop and improve their products.

Commercial licenses vary widely to accommodate the specifics of different software products and user needs. Let’s look at some of the most common types of commercial licenses:

  • Perpetual License: This is the most common type of commercial license, giving the user the right to use the software without a time limit after paying a one-time fee. Often these licenses include the right to receive updates within a certain period.
  • Subscription License: Instead of paying a one-time fee, users pay regular fees (monthly, yearly) for the right to use the software. This type of license typically includes access to updates and technical support during the term of the subscription.
  • Usage-Based License: The cost of the license depends on the intensity of use of the software. For example, you may be charged for the number of users, the amount of data processed, or the number of transactions.
  • OEM License (Original Equipment Manufacturer License): This type of license allows equipment manufacturers to include the software in their products and sell them as a single package.
  • Floating License: Allows multiple users within an organization to use the software simultaneously, limiting only the number of simultaneous sessions.

Each of these licenses has advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the best option depends on the specific needs of the user. For example, for small companies looking for simple solutions, a one-time license may be appropriate, while for large organizations with dynamic environments, a subscription or floating license may be more appropriate.

Advantages of commercial licenses:

  • Guaranteed quality and support: Developers who offer commercial software usually provide quality assurance and technical support to their customers. This ensures stable operation of the software and quick resolution of possible problems.
  • Continuous development and updating: Profits from license sales allow developers to invest in further development and improvement of their software.
  • Intellectual property protection: Commercial licenses protect developers’ rights to their intellectual property and prevent illegal use of the software.
  • Broad functionality: Commercial software typically offers a wide range of features and functionality to meet the needs of different users.
  • Access to documentation and training: Commercial licenses often include access to detailed documentation, training materials, and other resources to help users use the software effectively.

Disadvantages of commercial licenses:

  • Cost: Commercial licenses can be expensive, especially for small companies or individual users.
  • Restrictions: Some commercial licenses may contain restrictions on the use of the software, such as limitations on the number of users, devices, or geographic location.
  • Vendor Dependency: Users of commercial software depend on the vendor for updates, support, and further development of the product.

For a detailed understanding of the terms and conditions of using commercial software, it is necessary to carefully read the software license agreement, which is provided by the developer. This agreement specifies all the rights and obligations of the parties, restrictions on the use of the software, warranty and technical support terms, and other important aspects.

Choosing a license is an important step that affects the use, distribution and modification of the software. Commercial licenses provide access to quality and supported software with extensive functionality, but for a fee. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the user can choose the license that best suits their needs and budget.

1.2 Free and Open Source licenses

In contrast to commercial licenses, there is a wide range of free and Open Source software licenses, which give users more freedom to use, distribute, and modify the software. Open Source is a software development philosophy that is based on the principles of openness, collaboration, and free access to source code.

The basic principles of Open Source are:

  • Free access to source code: Users have the right to study, modify and distribute the source code of the program.
  • Freedom of distribution: The program can be distributed for free or for a fee.
  • Freedom of modification: Users have the right to create their own versions of the program based on its source code.
  • Preserving the integrity of the author’s source code: Modified versions of the program must also be distributed under an Open Source license.

There are many different Open Source licenses, each with its own features and conditions. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones:

  • GPL (General Public License): This is one of the most popular Open Source licenses that guarantees the freedom to use, distribute, and modify software. The GPL requires that derivative works also be distributed under the GPL license. This is known as the “copyleft” principle, which ensures that modified versions of a program remain open and available to all.
  • MIT License (Massachusetts Institute of Technology License): This is a very simple and permissive license that gives users broad rights to use, modify, and distribute software. The MIT license does not require derivative works to be distributed under the same license, making it a popular choice for projects that want to simplify the licensing process as much as possible.
  • Apache 2.0 license: This license is a popular choice for corporate projects because it offers strong protection from patent lawsuits. Apache 2.0 also allows the software to be used commercially without restriction.
  • BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution License): The BSD license is even more permissive than the MIT license, as it does not even require the author to be credited in derivative works. This makes it a popular choice for projects that want to ensure maximum freedom to use their code.

Advantages of Free and Open Source licenses:

  • Free: Usually, software under Open Source licenses is free to use.
  • Flexibility: Open Source licenses give users broad rights to use, modify, and distribute the software.
  • Collaboration: Open Source projects encourage collaboration and sharing among developers.
  • Transparency: The source code of software is open to everyone, allowing them to study it and make sure it is safe and of good quality.
  • Independence: Users are not dependent on a single vendor and are free to choose how to use and modify the software.

Disadvantages of Free and Open Source licenses:

  • Lack of warranties: developers of Open Source projects usually do not provide warranties for their software.
  • Limited support: Technical support for Open Source projects may be limited or provided only by the community.
  • Difficulty of choice: There are many different Open Source licenses available, which can make it difficult to choose the best option.
  • Possible security risks: The openness of the source code may increase the risk of vulnerabilities being discovered and exploited.

The choice between a commercial and Open Source license depends on the specific needs and goals of the user. Open Source licenses provide more freedom and flexibility, but may require more technical knowledge and autonomy. Commercial licenses offer guaranteed quality and support, but for a fee.

Understanding the principles and differences between the different types of licenses will help you make the right choice and ensure that your use of the software is legitimate.


Section 2: How to Choose a Software License

You are already familiar with the variety of software licenses, from commercial to free. Now an important question arises: how to choose the license that will best suit your project? Choosing a license is not just a formality, but a strategic decision that affects the future of your software product. In this section we will review the key factors to consider when choosing a license and provide practical recommendations to help you navigate the world of licensing and make the right decision, especially considering the specifics of software licensing in Ukraine. Not only the legal security of your project, but also its potential for development and cooperation depends on the right choice.

2.1 Factors affecting the choice of license

Choosing a license for your software is an important step that requires careful thought and consideration of many factors. The wrong choice may lead to legal problems, limit the development potential of your project, or even lead to financial losses.

In this subsection, we will take a closer look at the key factors to consider when choosing a license, especially in the context of Ukrainian legislation. Understanding these factors will help you navigate the world of licensing and make an informed decision that suits your goals and needs.

  1. Project Type:
  • Commercial Project: If you plan to sell your software and make a profit, a commercial license may be the best option. It will allow you to protect your intellectual property and control the distribution of your product.
  • Non-commercial project: For non-profit projects, an Open Source license may be more appropriate. It will allow you to involve a wide community of developers in the development of your project and provide free access to your software.
  • Internal use: If the software is being developed for internal use within a company, you may want to consider a specially designed license that takes into account the company’s internal policies and needs.
  1. Distribution method:
  • For sale: if you plan to sell your software, a commercial license will ensure that you control distribution and make a profit.
  • Free distribution: An Open Source license will allow you to distribute your software for free and attract a wide audience of users.
  • Distribution as part of other software: If your software will be part of another product, it is important to choose a license that is compatible with the license of the main product.
  1. Ukrainian legislation:

The choice of license must comply with the requirements of the Ukrainian Software Copyright Law, which protects the rights of software authors. It is important to understand that software copyright arises automatically at the moment of its creation, and does not require mandatory registration. However, copyright registration can be useful to confirm authorship and protect your rights in case of disputes.

  1. Desire for collaboration and community involvement:
  • Open Source licenses: if you want to involve other developers in the development of your project and create an active community, an Open Source license may be the best option.
  • Commercial licenses: commercial licenses usually restrict access to the source code, which can make it difficult to collaborate with other developers.
  1. Ability to modify and create derivative works:
  • Open Source licenses: Most Open Source licenses allow you to freely modify the software and create derivative works based on it.
  • Commercial licenses: Commercial licenses may restrict the ability to modify the software or require additional license fees for creating derivative works.
  1. Level of Risk and Liability:
  • Commercial licenses: Developers who use commercial licenses are responsible for the quality and security of their software.
  • Open Source licenses: Open Source projects are usually distributed “as is” with no guarantees of quality or security.

By considering all these factors, you will be able to choose the license that best suits your goals and needs. Remember that choosing the right license is an important step towards the successful development of your project.

In the next subsection we will provide practical recommendations on how to choose a license for different types of software.

2.2 Practical recommendations

With the key factors affecting software license selection out of the way, it’s time to move on to practical advice. In this subsection, we will look at specific scenarios and provide advice on how to choose the best license based on your project type, goals, and desires.

Recommendations for different types of projects:

  • Commercial projects aimed at generating revenue: In this case, it is recommended that you choose commercial licenses that give you control over the distribution of your software and protect your intellectual property. Consider options such as Perpetual License, Subscription License, or Usage-Based License.
  • Open Source projects aimed at collaboration and community development: Open Source licenses are ideal for these projects. Check out popular licenses such as GPL, MIT, Apache 2.0 and BSD and choose the one that best fits your goals and project philosophy.
  • Projects for internal company use: In this case, you may want to consider a specially designed license that takes into account your company’s internal policies and needs. It is also possible to use a commercial license with a limited right to use or an Open Source license if it suits your goals.

Recommendations depending on the purpose of distribution:

  • Selling software: It is recommended to use commercial licenses for selling. They will allow you to profit from the sale and control the distribution of your product.
  • Free distribution: If you plan to distribute your software for free, an Open Source license is the best choice.
  • Distribution as part of other software: In this case, it is important to choose a license that is compatible with the license of the main product.

General recommendations:

  • Carefully study the license terms and conditions: Before choosing a license, be sure to read its terms and conditions. Pay attention to the rights and obligations of the parties, restrictions on the use of the software, and possible risks and liability.
  • Consult a lawyer: If you have doubts or questions about the choice of license, it is recommended to consult a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property and software licensing.
  • Consider future development plans for your project: When selecting a license, it is important to consider not only your current needs, but also the future development plans for your project. The license you choose should be flexible and adaptable to possible changes in the future.

Choosing a license is an important step that affects the future of your project. By weighing all the factors and following our recommendations, you will be able to make the right choice and ensure the successful development of your software.

Keep in mind that every project is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to choose the right license is to carefully analyze your project, its goals and desires, and consider all of the above factors and recommendations.



Section 3: Legal aspects of software licensing

We have looked at the different types of software licenses and the factors that influence their selection. Now it’s time to delve into the legal aspects of licensing, which are critical to protecting your rights and interests. In this section we will consider the consequences of software copyright infringement and methods of protecting your intellectual property. Understanding these aspects will help you avoid legal problems and ensure the stable development of your project. Illegal use of software entails serious liability for illegal use of software, so it is important to be familiar with the legal rules and rights belonging to software developers.

3.1 Consequences of copyright infringement

Software copyright is an important legal tool that protects the rights of developers and ensures that they can be remunerated for their labor. Software copyright infringement is a serious offense that can have serious consequences for both individuals and companies. In this subsection, we will take a closer look at the different types of consequences one can face if software is used illegally.

Civil Liability:

  • Indemnification: A copyright holder may claim damages for losses caused by unlawful use of its software. The amount of damages may be calculated on the basis of lost profits, cost of licenses or other factors.
  • Compensation: The law provides for the possibility of collecting compensation for each copyright infringement. The amount of compensation may significantly exceed the cost of the software license.
  • Seizure of infringing software: The court may decide to seize illegally used software.

Administrative liability:

  • Fines: Administrative fines are provided for illegal use of software. The amount of fines depends on the severity of the offense and can be quite significant.
  • Confiscation of equipment: In some cases, it is possible to confiscate the equipment on which the illegal software was installed.

Criminal liability:

  • Imprisonment: In certain cases, when copyright infringement is committed on a particularly large scale or by an organized group, criminal liability and imprisonment are possible.

Reputational risks:

  • Loss of trust: Companies that use illegal software risk losing the trust of their customers and partners.
  • Reputational damage: The use of pirated software can negatively affect a company’s reputation and damage its image.

Financial risks:

  • Litigation costs: Litigation related to copyright infringement can be quite lengthy and expensive.
  • Loss of business opportunities: Companies that do not respect copyrights may lose business opportunities, such as participation in tenders or cooperation with foreign partners.

It is important to remember that using illegal software is not only unethical but also legally dangerous. The consequences of copyright infringement can be very serious and cause significant damage to your company. Therefore, it is recommended that you always use licensed software and comply with copyright law.

Avoiding liability for illegal use of software is not only a matter of complying with the law, but also of running your business efficiently. By using licensed software, you protect your interests, support developers and create a positive image of your company.

3.2 Software copyright protection

Software developers invest considerable effort, time and resources in creating their products. Therefore, it is important to provide strong copyright protection for software, in order to prevent its illegal use and protect their intellectual property. In this subsection, we will look at various methods and tools to help developers protect their rights and interests.

Copyright registration:

Although copyright in software arises automatically at the time of its creation, copyright registration is a recommended step for additional protection. Registration provides the copyright holder with official proof of authorship and can be decisive evidence in court in the event of disputes.

Use of license agreements:

License agreements are an effective tool for regulating the terms of use of software. They clearly define the rights and obligations of users and protect the interests of the copyright holder.

Technical means of protection:

  • Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems: DR M systems allow you to control access to software and prevent its illegal copying and distribution.
  • Anti-reverse engineering: Anti-reverse engineering techniques make it difficult to analyze software code and use it to create pirated copies.
  • Watermarks and other markings: Embedding watermarks or other markings in software can help identify its origin and detect illegal copying.

Monitoring and detection of infringements:

  • Searching for pirated copies: Developers can use special programs and services to search for pirated copies of their software on the Internet.
  • Monitoring online resources: Online resources that may be distributing illegal software should be regularly monitored.

Legal measures:

  • Warnings and injunctions: In case of detection of copyright infringement, the developer may send a warning or injunction to the infringer demanding to stop illegal use of the software.
  • Appeal to the court: In case of non-compliance, the copyright holder has the right to appeal to the court to protect his rights and interests.

It is important to remember that copyright protection is an ongoing process that requires regular attention and efforts. By using various protection methods and tools, developers can minimize the risks of illegal use of their software and ensure fair remuneration for their work.

In addition to the above methods, it is also important to educate and inform users about the importance of using licensed software. Increased legal culture and awareness of the value of intellectual property will help to create a more favorable environment for software development and distribution.


Software licensing is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful study and understanding of various aspects, from choosing the right license to copyright protection. We hope that this article has helped you understand the main types of licenses, factors influencing their choice, and legal aspects of software licensing.

If you need professional assistance with software licensing or software copyright protection, please contact Polikarpov Law Firm. Our experts will provide you with qualified legal advice on software licensing and help you choose the best license for your project. We offer a wide range of softwarelicensing services, including software copyright registration, assistance in selecting a software license, drafting a software license agreement, and software license auditing. Contact us and we will be happy to help you protect your intellectual property and ensure the successful development of your business.

Is it possible to change the software licence type after it has been released, and if so, how do I do it correctly?

Changing a software license after its release is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and has potentially serious legal and practical implications.

Is it even possible?

Technically, it is possible to change the license. However, it is important to realize that copyright for software is usually owned by its developer (or developers) or the person to whom these rights have been assigned. Therefore, it is possible to change the license only with the consent of all copyright owners.

How to do it right?

The process of changing a license depends on many factors, including the original license, the desired new license, the number of copyright owners, and their position on the change.

Here are some steps worth taking:

  1. Carefully review the original license: some licenses may contain restrictions on changing the license or require certain conditions to be met.
  2. Obtain the consent of all copyright owners: This is key. Without the consent of all parties, changing the license will be illegal.
  3. Decide on a new license: It is important to select a license that meets your new goals and addresses the interests of your users.
  4. Update license documentation: License changes should be clearly reflected in all license documents accompanying the software.
  5. Inform users of changes: It is important to inform users of license changes so that they can familiarize themselves with the new terms of use of the software.

Additional aspects to consider:

  • License compatibility: When migrating from one Open Source license to another, it is important to consider license compatibility.
  • Reputational risks: Changing the license may negatively affect the reputation of the project, especially if users do not accept the new terms.
  • Legal advice: It is advisable to contact a lawyer specializing in intellectual property to get expert assistance at all stages of license change.

Changing a software license is a major step that requires careful planning and legal due diligence. With the right approach and compliance with all requirements, it is possible to adapt the license to the new realities and needs of the project, while protecting the interests of developers and users.

What are the specifics of software licensing for mobile apps?

Software licensing for mobile applications has its own nuances due to the specifics of distribution platforms, audiences and business models in this area.

Distribution platforms and their rules:

The two main mobile app distribution platforms, the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android), have their own rules and licensing requirements.

  • App Store: Apple provides developers with a limited selection of license agreements that can be used for apps on the App Store. It is important to carefully review these agreements and choose one that meets your needs. Apple also places certain restrictions on the use of digital rights management (DRM) in apps.
  • Google Play: Google gives developers more freedom to choose licenses for apps on Google Play, but still requires compliance with certain rules.

Licensing for different business models:

Choosing the best license depends on the business model of your mobile app:

  • Paid apps: In this case, you can use a commercial license, which grants the right to use the app for a certain fee.
  • Free apps with advertising: A free license is fine for such apps, but it is important to take into account the legal requirements for advertising and personal data protection.
  • Apps with in-game purchases (freemium): In this case, the terms of use of the app and access to paid content should be clearly stated.
  • Corporate applications: For applications intended for internal use within a company, it is possible to use specially designed license agreements.

Additional considerations:

  • Open Source: The use of Open Source code in mobile applications is possible, but it is important to consider license compatibility and distribution platform requirements.
  • Geographic Restrictions: Some licenses may contain restrictions on the distribution territory of the application.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: It is important to take steps to protect your application code from copying and illegal use, such as code obfuscation.


  • Thoroughly understand the rules of distribution platforms: Familiarize yourself with all App Store and Google Play licensing requirements before publishing your app.
  • Use clear and transparent licenses: The license agreement should be written in plain language and not contain hidden terms.
  • Consult a lawyer: If you have doubts or questions about mobile app licensing, consult a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property.

Mobile app licensing has its own specifics that are important for developers to consider. The right license will protect your rights, ensure compliance with distribution platforms and contribute to the success of your app.

Are there restrictions on the use of Open Source code in commercial projects, and how to avoid them?

Open Source code is not just “free” code, it is code that is distributed under a license that gives users certain freedoms, including the ability to use, modify, and redistribute it. While Open Source encourages collaboration and innovation, there are certain restrictions that are important to consider when using it in commercial projects.

The main types of restrictions are:

  1. Copyleft: Copyleft licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL), require that derivative works that use code under that license must also be distributed under the GPL license. This means that your commercial project that uses code under the GPL must also be open and available under the GPL license.
  2. Attribution Requirements: Many Open Source licenses, including the MIT License and Apache License, require that copyright and license information be retained in derivative works. This means that you must mention the original authors of the code and the license under which it is distributed in your commercial product.
  3. Trademark restrictions: Some licenses may restrict the use of trademarks of the original project in derivative works.

How to avoid problems with licensing Open Source code:

  1. Carefully study the license: Before using any Open Source code, be sure to carefully study the license under which it is distributed. Pay attention to all restrictions and requirements.
  2. Use compatible licenses: If your project uses code under different Open Source licenses, make sure they are compatible.
  3. Observe attribution requirements: always mention the original authors of Open Source code and licenses in your commercial product.
  4. Consider using dual licenses: Some projects offer their code under a dual license, allowing it to be used under both Open Source and commercial licenses.
  5. Consult a lawyer: If you have any doubts or questions about licensing Open Source code, be sure to consult a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property.

Open Source code can be a valuable resource for commercial projects, but it is important to understand and comply with the terms of the licenses under which it is distributed. Careful study of licenses and consultation with a lawyer will help you avoid legal problems and ensure successful use of Open Source code in your business.

How to protect software from plagiarism and illegal copying other than copyright registration?

Copyright registration gives you some protection in the event of litigation, but does not guarantee complete protection against plagiarism and illegal copying of your software. There are additional measures you can take to protect your code and intellectual property.

Technical protection measures:

  1. Code obfuscation: This technique involves modifying the source code of a program so that it is difficult to understand and analyze without affecting its functionality. This makes it difficult to reverse engineer and copy your code.
  2. Code and data encryption: Encryption makes your code and data unreadable without a decryption key. This is an effective means of protection against unauthorized access and use.
  3. Use of electronic watermarks: Watermarks can be embedded in your code or data in such a way that they are difficult to remove without damaging the original content. This allows your property to be identified even after copying or modification.
  4. Protection against debugging and disassembling: there are special methods and tools that make it difficult to debug and disassemble your code, making it less available for analysis and copying.

Organizational and legal measures:

  1. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Require all employees, contractors, and partners to sign NDAs prohibiting disclosure of confidential information, including source code.
  2. Clearly define ownership: Make sure your contracts clearly define ownership of the software, including source code, documentation, and other materials.
  3. Restricted licensing: Use licenses that grant limited rights to use your software, such as prohibiting modification or distribution.
  4. Monitor and protect your brand: Regularly monitor the Internet and other distribution channels for illegal copies of your software and take steps to remove them.
  5. Develop a secure security policy: Implement a comprehensive security policy that protects your intellectual property at all stages of the software development lifecycle.

Additional tips:

  • Keep your code up-to-date: regular updates make it harder to use older versions of your software and allow you to implement new security measures.
  • Communicate with your community: Educate your users about the importance of using licensed software and report piracy.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and defenses: The world of cybersecurity is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest threats and defenses.


Protecting software from plagiarism and illegal copying is a complex task that requires a combination of technical, organizational, and legal measures. By implementing an effective protection strategy, you can minimize risks and ensure the success of your software product.

What documents are required to confirm the legality of software use in the company?

Using unlicensed software can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for your company. To avoid risks, it is important to have clear documentation to prove that all software is legal to use.

Key documents:

  1. License Agreements (EULA): This is the primary document that governs your rights to use the software. Keep original or certified copies of EULAs for all software used in your company.
  2. Certificates of Authenticity (COA): A COA is a physical or electronic document that proves the authenticity of your copy of the software.
  3. Invoices and payment orders: These documents prove that you legally purchased the software and paid for it.
  4. License keys and serial numbers: Keep all license keys and serial numbers in a safe place. They may be necessary to verify the authenticity of your software.
  5. Software installation and usage logs: Keeping logs of software installation and usage can help you track the number of licenses used and prevent license overruns.

Additional recommendations:

  • Regular software audits: Conduct regular software audits to ensure that you are using only licensed software and have all necessary documentation in place.
  • Software usage policy: Develop a clear software usage policy for your company that defines the rules for purchasing, installing and using software.
  • Employee training: Train employees on the importance of using licensed software and the consequences of using pirated software.
  • Keep documents in a safe place: Make sure your license agreements and other important documents are stored in a safe place, protected from unauthorized access and natural disasters.
  • Consult with a lawyer: If you have any questions or concerns about the legality of your software use, consult with a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property.

Confirming the legality of software use is not just a formality, but an important aspect of doing business. Proper licensing protects your company from the risks of fines, lawsuits and loss of reputation. Compliance with intellectual property law is an investment in the stability and success of your business.


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